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NIU's SHRM Certification Prep

    Business is changing and employers are demanding that HR professionals adapt to that
    change. Investing in continuing education should be a critical component of your formula
    for success. NIU’s professional continuing education programs will help you earn the
    credibility and recognition you deserve.

    What sets NIU apart from other program providers?
    • Recognition as a SHRM “Top 20” Provider of SHRM Learning System® Certification
    Prep Courses.
    • Elite status as a SHRM Preferred Provider of the new SHRM-CPSM and SHRM-SCPSM
    Certification Preparation Courses and continuing professional development programs
    supporting certification retention.
    • An experienced team of SHRM-SCPSM, SPHR certified practitioner instructors
    • Learning options for different learning styles (Evening, Saturday, Interactive
    Online Courses)

    For More Information Visit: sites/