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    December 11, 2010

    The members of the Rockford Area SHRM were asked to vote on the revised Bylaws, and to respond by December 10, 2010.  33 votes were cast resulting in 33 yes votes and 0 no votes.  The Bylaws revisions were approved by the membership.

    November 1, 2010

    The Board has revised the current Bylaws of the Chapter, has approved the changes, and submitted the revised Bylaws to National SHRM for approval.  National SHRM has approved the changes and we are now required to submit the revised Bylaws to the membership for a vote.  Please take a look at the revised Bylaws.  We will be sending out an email in the near future so the Membership can cast an electronic vote for approval of the changes.

    Bylaws Revision 2010     

    Please contact Cheryl Tunison, RASHRM Board President, should you have any questions about the Bylaws or the approval process.

    The previous version of our Bylaws can be found here:  Constitution and Bylaws – 1975